From the Pacayal co-op in the La Paz region. There are 127 members but just three of them collaborated on this particular microlot. The coffee was sundried instead of washed, so it is a honey process coffee and needs to be given a light roast. It was grown at an altitude just under 5,000 feet and consists entirely of Typica varietal of coffee. I roast it light like a natural Ethiopia or natural Costa Rica. At this roast level it has a pleasant acidity, and a lot of sweetness coupled with savory flavors. So think candied tomato. Think nutty cola. Flashes of banana and chocolate. I know it sounds weird, but it's amazing. I typically avoid savory coffees, but this one is different. This one is very impressive. Great complexity.
This is particularly interesting in the mouth because it has both sweet and savory, and there's a lot going on. Doesn't seem to be ideal for espresso. This is a fantastic find -- a top shelf high quality lot of coffee at an everyday price.