Structured ceramic mugs for gifting-Honduras Finca El Injerto

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The COMSA FTO co-op has a few thousand farmers, and they all pool their coffee together and get paid well for their contributions to the harvest. but the quality each year was declining as more and more farmers joined the co-op, so COMSA started a cupping competition to improve quality. The farmers with the winning coffee get to sell their coffee as a microlot at a premium price and not pool it in with the rest of the co-op coffee. So for the past four years, we've been buying some of the winning coffees instead of buying from the general pool. They are quite a bit more expensive, but they are traceable back to the exact farmer, and the program is rewarding high quality, and they are great coffees.
This is the first time we have bought the coffee from Finca El Injerto (farmer Justina Calix), and I believe this is her first year to win. It is a microlot of 15 bags.

This is a washed process coffee, so think of it like a Colombia or a Nicaragua -- a fairly straightforward
coffee that does well at a medium roast right around 2nd cracks -- but with undertones and sweetness that make stand out. It's a bit underdevloped in taste until you get almost to the 2nd cracks. A few degrees before the 2nd cracks would begin is our sweet spot, but you can take it just into the 2nd cracks and still have great coffee -- you just start to lose a little bit of the complexity. You can take it dark as well, and think of it as a dark Colombian. But the price and quality of this bean lends itself to roasting it just before 2nd cracks where you'll find a lime and orange citrus undertone, a honey sweetness, full body, light acidity, lingering aftertaste, and overall traditional Central American coffee taste. Some of the best Honduras Washed coffee that you will find anywhere. The competition judges rated it an 88.

USA Arrival June 2016