Colombia is making great strides in traceability, quality, and responsible farming. This lot comes from the Antioquia region which is from the northern part of the country. It's the same region as the Santa Barbara Estate coffee, and much of the land is mountains and valleys since the Andes Mountains cut right through.
My favorite roast of this is just at verge of 2nd cracks. It's a pretty traditional Colombian -- you could call it sweet with raisin and caramel and satisfying, but really it just tastes like normal coffee. Take it even a few degrees more and the aeropress or espresso machine is a great choice, pulling out a syrupy sweet concentrate with cocoa aftertaste. It's fine to take it to a french roast and brew it as drip coffee.
These are the smaller excelso sized beans, and the farming area is Rain Forest Alliance certified. The coffee is grown on an indigenous reservation, and then processed and exported by La Minita.
USA arrival April 2022